Research News

Scholars at the School of Communication and Information take an interdisciplinary approach to research that spans the fields of information science, library studies, communication, journalism and media studies.

Jonathan Potter Named ICA Fellow

The International Communication Association honors SC&I’s Dean Jonathan Potter for his distinguished contributions to the field of communication and his service to education.

The NSF-Funded 2019 CSST Summer Research Institute Boosts Emerging Scholar Development in Sociotechnical Systems and Critical Informatics Research

The NSF-funded 2019 Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST) Summer Research Institute, to be held at Rutgers on June 18-22 2019, will connect late-phase doctoral students and emerging scholars with senior scholars in sociotechnical systems and critical informatics research fields, providing substantive learning and research coordination networking opportunities to advance their work.

J. Sophia Fu Awarded Top Early Career Scholar Paper Award

The D.C. Health Communication Conference has named Fu the recipient of this award for her paper that examines the ways social network sites and online health communities have opened up new possibilities for prompting health behavior change and improving health outcomes.

SC&I’s 2019 Scholarly Incubator Focuses on Ethics

The SC&I scholarly incubator is held annually to provide SC&I faculty with the time and space to gather together to ponder and discuss issues related to their scholarship, teaching, and ways of being in the academia. This year, the faculty discussed ethics.