Lemish, D. (July 2005). The rational and methodology of the Global Media Monitoring Project. Symposium discussion at the International Association of Mass Communication Research (IAMCR), Taipei Taiwan. 

Lemish, D. (November 2005). Israeli children’s television going to war with Iraq. Paper presented at the First European Communication Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Fisch, S.M., Homer, B., Galiardo, E., Zabolotnaia, Lemish, D., Messenger-Davies, M., S., Goetz, M., Schauer, R., & Bulboa, F. (May 2006). Age, gender, and empathy: A cross-cultural comparison.  Poster presented (by Fisch) at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, New York.

Elias, N. & Lemish, D. (May 2006). Between three cultures: Media in the lives of immigrant children in Israel and  Germany. Paper presented (by lias) at the The Annual Conference of IPP  Social Sciences "Trans-disciplinary Migration and Biographical Research, Frankfurt, Germany.

Elias, N. & Lemish, D. (June 2006). Between three cultures: Media in the lives of Immigrant children in Israel and Germany. Paper presented at the annual conference of the  International Communication Association (ICA), Dresden, Germany.

Lemish, D. (June 2006). Feminists' thinking: How did we get here? Presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Dresden, Germany.

Elias, N. & Lemish, D. (September 2006). When all fails: The Internet and informal learning of adolescent-immigrants. Paper presented at the DREAM conference on Internet and Informal Learning, Odense, Denmark.

Homer, B., Fisch, S. (presented by him) Galiardo, E., Zabolotnaia1, S., Lemish, D.Messenger Davies, M. Götz, M., Schauer, R., &  Bulbulia, F. (March 2007). The emergence of gender difference in empathy across seven cultures. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). Boston, MA.

Lemish, D. (May 2007). Children from Germany, Ireland, Israel, South Africa and the USA discuss and judge comedy programs. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Francisco, CA.

Elias, N. & Lemish, D. (June 2007). Media uses in immigrant families: Torn between “inward” and “outward” paths of integration. Paper presented at the annual conference of Israel Studies Conference, Open University, Israel. (in Hebrew)

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