Lemish, D. (April 2011). On studying the role of media in the lives of minority children: Challenges, methodological explorations and some insights. New Challenges and Methodological Innovations in European Media Audience Research. COST in partnership with ECREA, IAMCR and ICA. University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Mokros, H.B. (1996). From information and behavior to interaction and identity. In H.B. Mokros (Ed.), Interaction and identity: Information and behavior, volume 5, (1-22).  New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. 

Duncan, S., Kanki, B., Mokros, H., & Fiske, D.W. (1996). Pseudounilaterality and other ills to which interaction research is heir. In H.B. Mokros (Ed.), Interaction and identity: Information and behavior, volume 5, (7196). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. [Reprint of Journal Article: Duncan, S., Kanki, B., Mokros, H., & Fiske, D.W. (1984).] 

Mokros, H.B. & Deetz, S. (1996). What counts as real? A constitutive view of communication and the disenfranchised in the context of health. In E.B. Ray (Ed.), Communication and the disenfranchised: Social health issues and implications, (29-44). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 

Mokros, H.B. (2003). Other matters: The achievement of identity through otherness.  In H.B. Mokros (Ed.), Identity matters: Communication-based explorations and explanations. (239-275). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 

Mokros, H.B. (2003).  A constitutive approach to identity.  In H.B. Mokros (Ed.), Identity matters: Communication-based explorations and explanations. (3-28). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 

Mokros, H.B. (2005). What counts as real? A constitutive view of communication and the disenfranchised in the context of health.  In L.C. Lederman, D.W. Gibson, & M. Taylor (Eds.). Communication theory: A case book approach (33-48). Kendall/Hunt: Dubuque, IA. [earlier editions, 2000, 1998]  
     [Reprint of Book Chapter: Mokros & Deetz, (1996) along with newly added introduction.]   

Mokros, H.B. (2006). Composing relationships at work: Three minutes at a wholesale produce market.  In J. Wood & S. Duck (Eds.). Composing relationships (1st Edition), (175-185). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 

Mokros, H.B. & Friedrich, G.W. (2008).  The future of communication theory and research. In M.B. Salwen (Ed.), An integrated approach to communication theory and research, (546-552). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

Mokros, H.B. (2009). Language and social interaction at the University of Chicago 1977-1984.  In W. LeedsHurwitz (Ed.), The social history of language and social interaction research: People, places and ideas. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 

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