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Lachover, E. & Lemish, D. (2018). Women in Israeli journalism: Forwards and backwards. Israeli Affairs, 24(3), 500-518.

Lewis, L. K. Memorable messages about volunteering. 

Dill-Shackleford, K.E., Ramasubramanian, S., Behm-Morawitz, E., Scharrer, E., Burgess, M.C.R., & Lemish, D. (forthcoming). Screening Stories about Race, Gender and Other Social Groups: What and How Young People Learn from Social Representations in Entertainment Media. Pediatrics Supplement

Lewis, L. K., & Laster, N. M. Changing stories.

Sahay, S., & Lewis, L. Perspectives on soliciting and providing input during organizational change: The provider, the executive, and the consultant.

Livingstone, S., Lemish, D., Lim, S., et al (2017). Global perspectives on children’s digital opportunities: An emerging research and policy agenda. Pediatrics, 140, S(2)137-S141.

Kulkarni, V., Lewis, L., & Laster, N. M. Making sense of change announcements: The difference between positive and balanced messages.

Koschmann, M., Lewis, L., Isbell, M (2010). Effective collaboration in a complex and interdependent society. National Science Foundation/Social Behavioral and Economic Sciences White Paper. Paper submitted and accepted by the SBE 2020 project on Future Research in the Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (NSF 10-069). Paper included on the SBE 2020 website.

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