Hepburn, A. & Potter, J. (2012). Crying and crying responses. In A. Peräkylä & M-L. Sorjonen (Eds). Emotion in interaction (pp.194-210). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Shaw, C., Hepburn, A. & Potter, J. (2013). Having the last laugh: On post-completion laughter particles. In Glenn, P. & Holt, E. (Eds). Studies of laughter in interaction (pp. 91-106). London; Bloomsbury.

Meredith, J. & Potter, J. (2013). Conversation analysis and electronic interactions: Methodological, analytic and technical consideration. Lim, H.L. & Sudweeks, F. (Eds). Innovative methods and technologies for electronic discourse analysis (pp. 370-393). Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Kent, A. and Potter, J., (2014). Discursive social psychology. In (Ed) T. Holtgraves (Ed). The Oxford handbook of language and social psychology (pp.295-313). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Potter, J. (2016). Discursive psychology and the study of naturally occurring talk. In Silverman, D.(Ed.). Qualitative research, Fourth Ed.(pp.189-206). London; Sage.

Scott, C. R., & Lewis, L. K. (2000). Challenges for the professional newcomer in doing common ground research. In S. R. Corman & M. S. Poole  (Eds.), Perspectives on organizational communication: Finding common ground (pp. 165-174). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Isbell, M., Koschmann, M., & Lewis, L. (2011). Me versus we: Communicating in collaboration. Communication Currents, Volume 6 (1), (http://www.natcom.org/commcurrentsissue.aspx).

Potter, J. & Hepburn, A. (forthcoming). Somewhere between evil and normal: Traces of morality in a child protection helpline. In J. Cromdal & M. Tholander (Eds). Morality in Practice: Exploring Childhood, Parenthood and Schooling in Everyday Life. London: Equinox.

Lewis, L. K. (2012). Becoming useful: Following the lead of practice questions in nonprofit research. Special forum entitled, “Bridging the ‘third space’: Advancing communication theories in/of nonprofit civil society organizations.” Management Communication Quarterly, 26 (1).

Potter, J. & Shaw, A. (forthcoming). Natural and elicited data. In Flick, U. (Ed.). The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection. London; Sage.

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