Reynolds, R., & Goggins, S. (2011). Analyzing student wiki interactions at multiple levels of analysis within an online social network of game design learning: Team, school, and page-­‐level findings.  CSCL data workshop at the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Hong Kong, July 2011.

Reynolds, R. (2012). Connecting levels of learning in the Globaloria game design program: Resolving big datasets and multiple levels of analysis in e-­‐learning platform research. Full day workshop at the annual conference of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Sydney, Australia, July 2012.

Reynolds, R., & Chiu, M. (2012). Contribution of motivational orientations to student outcomes in a discovery-­‐based program of game design learning. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), July 2012, Sydney, Australia.

Reynolds, R., Hmelo-­‐Silver, C., Sorenson, L., & Van Ness, C. (2013). Interview findings on middle schoolers’ collaboration in self-­‐organizing game design teams. Proceedings of the International Conference of Computer-­‐Supported Collaborative Learning, July 2013, Madison, WI.

Magee, R., Agosto, D.E., Ahn, J., Reynolds, R., Forte, A., & Dickard, M. (2013). Teens and social media: Where are we now, where next? Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2013.

Reynolds, R.; Baik, E.B. & Li, X. (2013). Collaborative information seeking in the wild: Middle-­‐ schoolers’ self-­‐initiated teamwork strategies to support game design. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) conference, November, 2013, Montreal.

Reynolds, R. (2014). Analyzing middle school and high school students’ collaborative inquiry behaviour during guided discovery using with learning management system trace data. Proceedings of the 2014 Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) conference, Baltimore, MD.

Reynolds, R. (2014). Learning management system trace logs and Google Analytics page reads as data sources for evaluating student inquiry and collaboration practices during game design learning. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) conference, Boulder, CO.

Arnone, M., & Reynolds, R. (2009). Empirical support for the integration of dispositions in action and multiple literacies into AASL’s Standards for the 21st Century Learner. School Library Media Research, 12.

Arnone, M., Reynolds, R., & Marshall, T. (2009). The effect of early adolescents’ psychological needs satisfaction upon their perceived competence in information skills and intrinsic motivation for research.  School Libraries Worldwide, 15(2), pp 115-­‐134.

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