Ruben, B. D., and Nurit Guttman, Caregiver-Patient Communication: Readings. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 1993, 278 pp. (B)

Ruben, B. D., “Building Effective Client and Colleague Relationships: Insights from Patients, the Factory, the Classroom, and the Pet Shop,” Caregiver-Patient Communication: Readings (B. D.Ruben and N. Guttman, eds.) Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 1993, 197-214. (C)

Ruben, B. D., What Patients Remember: A Content Analysis of Critical Incidents in Health Care, Health Communication, 5(2), 1993, 99-112. (A)

Ruben, B. D., Communication and the Quality of Care: Insights from the Hospital, the Factory, the Classroom and the Pet Shop.  In Communication Theory: A Casebook Approach. (L. Lederman and W. D. Gibson, ed.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2000, 367-387. (C)

Ruben, B. D., Communication and the Quality of Care: Understanding the Role of Communication in Patient-Caregiver Encounters.  In Communication Theory: A Casebook Approach.  (L. Lederman and W. D. Gibson, ed.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2005, 433-450. (C)

Ruben, B. D., Communication Theory and Health Communication Practice: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same. Health Communication, 2015, 1-11. Available online: November 2014.

Ruben, B. D., General Systems Theory: An Approach to Human Communication.  In  Approaches to Human Communication (R. W. Budd and B. D. Ruben, eds.), New York:  Spartan, 1972, 120-144. (C)

Budd, R. W. and B. D. Ruben, eds., Approaches to Human Communication. New York: Spartan, 1972, 464 pp. (B)

Ruben, B. D., Human Communication, Semiotics and General Systems:  Personal and Social Communication, Information Utilities:  Proceedings of the American Society for Information  Science Annual Meeting.  Washington, DC:  American Society for Information Science, 1974,169-174. Resources in Education. ED097033. (A)

Ruben, B. D. and J. Y. Kim, eds., General Systems and Human Communication Theory.  Rochelle Park, NJ:  Hayden, 1975, 259 pp. (B)

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