The UHR pages have a wealth of information and can be searched. Below is a list of areas you in which you may have questions:
Rutgers employees are expected to meet the highest ethical standards. Please review the Ethics Program website.
The university has three forms that applicants for employment and new hires are asked to complete, if relevant, and submit to university offices. The list below links to fillable PDF forms which can be submitted via email.
Any Rutgers employee who needs accommodations due to a disability, health condition, or religious observance in order to successfully perform their jobs should apply to the university for those accommodations. The application allows you and your healthcare provider (if it is a health or disability issue) to be specific about what types of accommodations are needed and reasonable to address the personal issue. At no time is anyone's health issue discussed with us at SC&I. The process is very much like the way accommodations work for students who request them.
For full-time faculty and part-time faculty appointed as PTLs:
For staff:
What happens after you file:
What happens once you submits the forms is that a specialist in Labor Relations reviews them. If there are questions, they may reach out to you or the doctor, or the university's physician (Dr. Millind Shah) might reach out. If there is agreement that accommodations are needed, Labor Relations will often reach out to the Dean's Office to discuss what accommodations can be reasonably provided.