MCM Resources

So that you get the most out of the MCM program, we strongly suggest you:

  • Take advantage of our faculty advising for help with course selection, graduation requirements and making choices that align with your career goals.
  • Get involved with key communication organizations so you can make contributions on the local and national level.

The Master’s Student Guide provides answers for everything from accepting admission to health insurance and parking. For more information on the MCM program, consult the MCM Handbook. If you have questions, contact Student Services or MCM Program Director Richard Dool.

MCM LinkedIn Page

Please join our Master of Communication and Media LinkedIn group. The group is open to all MCM students, faculty, and alumni. The purpose of the group is to enable networking with peers, fellow students, media and communication professionals. The group also offers opportunities to share resources, events, best practices, job leads, career advice, and more.

MCM Graduate Student Association (GSA)

You are automatically a Graduate Student Association (GSA) member as an MCM student.

We suggest you join the MCISGSA listserv to receive email messages from the department, faculty, other students, and your GSA representatives.

The GSA:

  • Hosts meetings and social gatherings throughout the year to allow you and other students to foster connections within the department.
  • Sponsors symposiums featuring professionals in the communication and information studies field throughout each semester.