SC&I goes global! In March, iConference 2018 was attended by the School of Communication and Information’s faculty, Ph.D. alumni, and doctoral and graduate students. Held in Sheffield, UK and organized by the University of Sheffield and Northumbria University, this year’s conference focused on “Transforming Digital Worlds”.
SC&I attendees included LIS Chair Ross Todd, LIS faculty Michael Lesk, Marie Radford, and Teaching Professor of Communication and Information Mary Chayko, Ph.D. alumni Vanessa Kitzie and Gary Radford, Ph.D. students Sarah Barriage, Diana Floegel and Xiaofeng Li, and Master of Information student Dan Delmonaco, who was named runner-up for Best Poster 2018 on his entry Respectful Reuse of Digital Records of Practice
The iConference brings scholars and researchers from around the world together each year to discuss critical information issues in contemporary society. The iConference explores the core concepts and ideas of information studies, and creates new technological and conceptual configurations—all situated in interdisciplinary discourses.
Photo: Left to right Vanessa Kitzie (Ph.D. Alum), Dan Delmonaco (MI student), Sarah Barriage (Ph.D. student), Diana Floegel (Ph.D. student), Xiaofeng Li (Ph.D. student), Marie Radford (LIS faculty), Michael Lesk (LIS faculty), Gary Radford (Ph.D. Alum), and Ross Todd (LIS Chair).