Choi, E., Scott, C. R., & Shah, C. (2013, February). Effects of user identity information on key answer outcomes in social Q&A. Presented at the annual iConference, Fort Worth, TX.

Scott, C. R. (2013, October). From what we know to what we seek to know: An open fishbowl about identity and the Internet. Opening presentation as part of an open fishbowl session at annual convention of the Association of Internet Researchers, Denver, CO.

Scott, C. R. (2013, November). Connecting as co-authors: Negotiating the collaborative relationship with advisors, students, and colleagues. Panel presentation made at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC.

Scott, C. R. (2013, November). Connections across time: Examining the ongoing relationships of doctoral advisors and (former) advisees in organizational communication. Panel presentation made at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC.

Scott, C. R., & Sahay, S. (2013, November). Hide and don’t seek: Analyzing strategies for concealing organizations and their members. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC.

Scott, C. R. (2014, May). Organizational communication and the informal economy (IE): Potential questions, proposed framework, and practical considerations. Presentation made at inaugural Summit on the Informal Economy, Chicago, IL.

Shoemaker, D., & Scott, C. R. (2014, November). Germinal impressions: (Almost) 100 key ideas from the last 100 years in (almost) 100 minutes. Performance made at annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Götz, M. & Lemish, D. (2005). “Ich war ein Raptor, ein riesiger Dinosaurier…”  Die Fantasien von Jungen und ihre Medienspuren ( “I was a raptor in the age of dinosaurs:” The fantasies of children and their media traces) In Ibid (pp. 207-234) (in German).Based on Götz et al (2005). Media and the Make-believe worlds (Ibid).

Götz, M. & Lemish, D. (2005). “Ich bin eine Elfe” – Fantasien und ihre  Medienspuren bei Mädchen ( “I am an elf”: Fantasies and their media traces). In  Ibid (pp. 183-208) (in German).Based on Götz et al (2005). Media and the Make-believe worlds (Ibid).

Scott, C. R. (2014, November). The presence of our future(s): Reflections and suggestions on negotiating the academic job market. Panel presentation made at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

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