Chayko, M. “Author’s Response to Review of ‘Connecting: How We Form Social Bonds and Communities in the Internet Age.’” 2007. Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies. March.

Chayko, M. “The Portable Community: Envisioning and Examining Mobile Social Connectedness.” 2007. International Journal of Web-based Communities. 3:4:373-385.

Chayko, M. “I’ll Take My Community To Go.” 2009. Vodafone Receiver. May, lead article.

Chayko, M. “Live Tweeting in the Classroom With a Guest Speaker-Tweeter.” 2012. Cyborgology. Nov.

Chayko, M. “Book Review: The Engaged Sociologist by Kathleen Korgen and Jonathan White.” 2012. Humanity and Society. 36:1.85-86.

“Book Review: Networked: The New Operating System by Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman.” 2014. Sociological Forum. 29:2:517-521.

Chayko, M. “Techno-Social Life: The Internet, Digital Technology, and Social Connectedness.” 2014. Sociology Compass. 8:7:976-991

Chayko, M. “The First Web Theorist? Georg Simmel and the Legacy of ‘The Web of Group-Affiliations’”
2015. Information, Communication and Society

Chayko, M. Connecting: How We Form Social Bonds and Communities in the Internet Age. 2002. Albany,
NY: State University of New York Press

Chayko, M. Portable Communities: The Social Dynamics of Online and Mobile Connectedness. 2008.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press

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