DEI Research and Engagement

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are addressed across the research of the school. Sample scholarly and public outputs are presented below in alphabetical order of our faculty names within each category type. They cover topics such as race, gender, health disparities, migration, social justice, marginalized groups, alternative media, and much more.

Bettering NJ Together
With the people and communities of New Jersey, SC&I scholars focus on some of the most pressing issues of our time that impact the people of New Jersey in every area of our state, whether we live in urban, suburban, or rural communities.

Journal Articles

Kumar, D. (2017). Liberalism’s spawn: Imperialist feminism from the 19th century to the War on Terror. In A. Abraham-Hamanoiel, D. Freedman, G. Khiabany, K. Nash, & J. Petley (eds.) Liberalism in neoliberal times: Dimensions, contradictions, limits (pp. 239-250). London: Goldsmiths University Press.

Kumar, D. (2017). National security culture: Gender, race, and class in the production of imperial citizenship. International Journal of Communication, 11 (May), 2154-2177.

Kumar, D., “Race, Ideology, and Empire,” Dialectical Anthropology, Vol 39, Issue 1, 2015. This issue of DA was dedicated to essays critically appraising Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire, and my invited essay responds to the solicited essays.

Kumar, D. (2018). See something, say something: Security rituals, affect, and the construction of US nationalism. Public Culture, 30, (1), 143-171. 

Kumar, D. (2017). Sifting and winnowing in the post-truth era. Foreword to M. Huff, A. L. Roth, & K. Bendib (Eds.), Censored 2018: Press Freedoms in a “Post-Truth” World (pp. 11-15). New York: Seven Stories Press.

Kumar, D. (2020). Terrorcraft: Empire and the Making of the Racialized terrorist threat, Race and Class, 62 (2), 34-60

Kumar, D. (2018). The right kind of “Islam”: News media representations of US-Saudi relations during the Cold War. Journalism Studies, 19 (8), 1079-1097.

Kumar, D. (2018). Trump, Islamophobia, and US politics. In L. Selfa (Ed.), US politics in an age of uncertainty: Essays on a new reality (pp. 157-170). Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Kumar, D. (forthcoming, 2020). “Islam” and the US Construction of Allies and Enemies on the Global Stage. In M. McAlister, M. Friedman and D. Engerman (Eds.) Cambridge History of America in the World, Vol 3, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Conference Proceedings


Politano, T. (2020). Juan Placencia Starts Over Again. The Acid & Fat of the American Dream. Edible Jersey, Oct. 2020

DiStefano, M. J., Rivera, Y. M., Thrul, J., & Ali, J. (2019). Promoting justice in locating and tracking research participants through social media. American Journal of Bioethics, 19(6), 71-73. DOI 10.1080/15265161.2019.1602187

White, K, Bald As I Am (short documentary film, in production), Producer, Videographer

White, K. (2018, Dec 16). Black activist and scholar: Discrimination is clear, here’s how police practices could be improved. Star Ledger.

White, K., Short documentary on a Black woman’s struggle with alopecia, in collaboratuon with Dean John L. Jackson, Jr. at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania

White, K., Blackness Isn’t Something That Can Be Acquired With a Little Bronzer: On Rachel Dolezal in Quartz (June 13, 2015)

White, K. (2018, July 4). For hope in Trump’s America, I read Sojourner Truth. New York Times.

White, K. “Future Women” (short feature film, 2015), Producer - Screened at Chicago Ethnographic Film Festival (October 2015, won Best Cinematography, Documentary); University of Chicago Arts + Public Life initiative; University of Chicago Arts, Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Popular Culture

White, K. (2015, November 24). How to talk to your kids about race. Role Reboot.