DEI Research and Engagement

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are addressed across the research of the school. Sample scholarly and public outputs are presented below in alphabetical order of our faculty names within each category type. They cover topics such as race, gender, health disparities, migration, social justice, marginalized groups, alternative media, and much more.

Bettering NJ Together
With the people and communities of New Jersey, SC&I scholars focus on some of the most pressing issues of our time that impact the people of New Jersey in every area of our state, whether we live in urban, suburban, or rural communities.

Journal Articles

Lawrence, E. (2020). “Is Sensitivity Reading a Form of Censorship?” Journal of Information Ethics 29(1), 30-44

Lawrence, E. (2020). "On the Problem of Oppressive Tastes in the Public Library." Journal of Documentation 76(5), 1091-1107.

Lawrence, E. (2020). "The Trouble with Diverse Books, Part I: On the limits of conceptual analysis for political negotiation in Library & Information Science." Journal of Documentation.

Lawrence, E. (2021). "The Trouble with Diverse Books, Part II: An informational pragmatic analysis." Journal of Documentation.

Livingstone, S., Lemish, D., Lim, S., et al (2017). Global perspectives on children’s digital opportunities: An emerging research and policy agenda. Pediatrics, 140, S(2)137-S141.

Dill-Shackleford, K.E., Ramasubramanian, S., Behm-Morawitz, E., Scharrer, E., Burgess, M.C.R., & Lemish, D. (2017). Social group stories in the media and child development. Pediatrics, 140, S(2) 157-S161.

Lachover, E. & Lemish, D. (2018). Women in Israeli journalism: Forwards and backwards. Israeli Affairs, 24(3), 500-518.

Marchi, R. 2016. "News Translators: Latino immigrant youth, social media and citizenship training," Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(1): 189-212 

Marchi, R. (2021). Migration, Gentrification and Meaningful Properties: Bathtub Madonnas as media in an Italian-American neighborhood in transition, Visual Communication Quarterly, 28:1, 3-18.

Conference Proceedings



White, K. (2015, June 4). On black women and the demand for their breast milk. Role reboot.

White, K. (2016, May 25). On Freddie Gray and the America I know. Role Reboot.

White, K., Racism Affects Black Boys as Much as Boys. So Why are Black Girls Being Ignored? in The Washington Post (Feburuary 25, 2015)

White, K., To the Black Girls In America, Survival Can Be An Unspeakable Burden” in Quartz (June 10, 2015)

White, K, Wake Up with WURD (radio show), WURD, Guest Co-Host, August 25, 2015

White K. (2018, February 28). What we all can do about racism, Star Ledger/,

White, K. (2015, December 29). When will they stop killing us?: On Tamir Rice and being black in America. Role Reboot.

White, K. (2016, March 21). Why you shouldn’t be surprised by Donald Trump’s rise. Role Reboot.

White, K, “The Ring” Uncivil podcast, Guest host, November 2018