
SC&I is a leader in responding to the information revolution and the fast-paced changes occurring in the fields of communication, information, and media. We have:

  • 200+ full- and part-time faculty
  • 20 collaborative research groups
  • 2,500 undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students
  • 32,000+ strong and connected alumni

We have the talent you need. Our students are interested in a variety of communication and information-based fields and are well-equipped for careers in today’s digital workplace. They are able to cover a wide range of communication and information jobs.

  • Business information management
  • Competitive intelligence 
  • Corporate and social responsibility
  • Cybersecurity data science
  • Digital and social media
  • Healthcare communication
  • Information technology
  • Journalism
  • Library and information science
  • Organizational and strategic communication
  • Public Relations
  • Data integration, management, analysis and preservation
  • Web services, UI/UX


Hire SC&I

Hire our outstanding SC&I students and alumni for internships and full-time employment. Post a Job

Post positions, manage interview schedules, request information sessions, and more through Rutgers Handshake, an online career management system developed especially for Rutgers students, alumni, and employers like you. Create a Rutgers Handshake Account

Access University-wide recruitment and internship service. Recruit Rutgers talent

“I really enjoy my experiences with the students, faculty, and SC&I career assistance and support team. At Colgate-Palmolive, we leverage this mutually beneficial relationship to strengthen the talent pool within our company from both an internship perspective as well as full-time hires.”

—Alexander Schuchman, Chief Information Security Officer, Colgate-Palmoliv


Email Ildi Koczan, MA, NCC, Assistant Director of Student Services for Careers.