MI Degree Requirements

Program Overview

Our Master of Information program is built on the integrity and success of our MLIS (Master of Library and Information Science) program in a way that enables information professionals from a wide variety of contexts and applications to study their craft, interact with one another and leverage one another's expertise in an interactive and engaging learning environment. Our students understand the social value of creation, collection, organization, retrieval, preservation, and use of a variety of information artifacts and structures ranging from books to complex computing systems.

Our program attracts students with undergraduate backgrounds that range from humanities to computer science(s). Within the program space, students are offered many opportunities to build upon and expand their expertise as well as work together in problem solving contexts and engage in areas that might otherwise not be available to them. A librarian or archivist might study data science. An information asset manager might want to learn about preservation in greater depth. A computer scientist might want to learn about data structures and organization. The combinations build on core strengths while opening other opportunities for exploration.

Basic rules of the Master of Information Program

  1. All students (unless you are specializing in School Librarianship*) must take 2 Foundation Classes. Our goal is to have all students enroll in one foundation class and the technology requirement class in their first semester. All Students must enroll in 17:610:501 during their first semester as well. Summer admits will take 17:610:501 in the fall.

    * School Library students must follow their prescribed course plan listed in the School Library course of study. This course plan is approved by the state and required for certification.

  2. All students must take the technology requirement (17:610:550) within their first twelve credits. You can ask to waive this requirement if you possess the basic competencies of this course. You can find the full course here. If you would like to request a waiver contact Professor Anselm Spoerri who is the course coordinator for 17:610:550: Introduction to Information Technologies

    Please Note: If waivers are granted, students must substitute another three-credit course to fulfill the 36 credits for the degree requirement.

  3. All students must take zero credit: 17:610:501; 17:610:502; 17:610:503 (offered only in spring and fall semesters)
  4. All students must complete 36 credit hours

External Credits

Students can transfer up to 6 credits from outside the MI program. Those credits can come from another Rutgers Program (School of Education; Bloustein School of Public Policy; Master of Business & Science; Computer Science; etc). Those credits can also be taken at another ALA accredited program or program accredited by another institution. Please see the Transfer of Credit Policy on our website for the most current information.

de-Mystifying the Concentrations

It's up to you to decide whether or not to select a concentration; it is not a requirement. For most students, a concentration designation is important if your goal is to gain deep knowledge and competency in an area. Specifically, if you want to work in a library or school library context, you should select Library and Information Science (LIS) as your concentration. The same holds true with the other concentrations. Some concentrations, such as Data Science, have course requirements and pathways that build upon expertise acquired in specified pathways within that concentration. If you wish to choose the Design Your Own Pathway option, you must first discuss this with your academic advisor and the program director. Regardless of your choice, you must fulfill all the program requirements.

If you select a concentration, your transcript will reflect that. Keep in mind that employers typically do not look at transcripts. They look at your portfolio and resume to see what you know, what you did, and what you learned. So, if you miss a course for a concentration designation, it's not the end of the world. In some cases, we don't have concentrations fully online, so we have to be a bit creative with online students in terms of getting similar competencies to attain their learning goals in other ways. If you have questions, reach out to MI Program Director Lilia Pavlovsky.

Concentration and Faculty Contacts

Archives and Preservation

The Archives and Preservation concentration will prepare students to assume the responsibilities and roles in identifying and preserving analog and digital records as trustworthy evidence and memory of the activities of individuals, families, and organizations. Students will learn how to make records accessible to current users and future generations in heritage institutions and how to make them available to the public. They will explore the institutions preserving cultural and scientific knowledge amid the changing perspectives and in diverse social contexts. They will learn about the tensions around privacy, access, and memorial contestation as well as about the role of records, documents, and archival institutions in human rights and social justice.

Contact: Marija Dalbello

Data Science

The Data Science concentration prepares information professionals for diverse careers centering on data analytics. These careers focus on engaging with often large-scale internal and external data of organizations to analyze, model, evaluate, and predict information behavior and processes for practical applications, product and service development and organizational decision-making.

Contacts: Tawfiq Ammari

Health Information

The Health information will prepare students to serve the health information needs of a broad audience, including the public, patients, healthcare providers, health researchers, and others.The course of study is appropriate for those who wish to work as clinical research librarians, health information scientists, health engagement well-being coordinators, health sciences librarians, systematic review librarians, and community health and wellness analysts.

Contact: Kaitlin L. Costello

Human-Computer Interaction

This concentration prepares students for careers focused on designing, implementing, and improving technology to enhance human experiences. Graduates can pursue professional roles in human-computer interaction, interaction design, product management, user experience design, and usability research and testing. 

Contact: Sun-young Kim

Library & Information Science (MI-LIS)

A large percentage of our students come here because they are interested in working in a library service context. The program enables you to build the skills and understanding of the challenges facing 21st century libraries (and no... libraries are not going away despite what anyone tells you) AND combine those skills with other areas of our program (e.g. technology; archives; management; etc.)

Contacts: Nancy Kranich and Denise Agosto

School Librarianship

If your goal is to work in a school library then you must complete this list of courses to get through the certification process. Students who identify School Librarianship as their preferred concentration should immediately contact Dr. Valenza.

Contacts: Joyce Valenza

Technology, Information & Management

The Technology, Information & Management concentration prepares information professionals to lead and manage in technological organizations and other socio-technical environments, by developing expertise in information and project management, knowledge sharing, organizational learning, and strategic decision-making.

Contacts: Lilia Pavlovsky and Suchinthi Fernando

Design Your Own Pathway (DIY)

Students do not have to select a concentration. Once you complete the foundation and technical requirements, you are free to select whichever courses align with your goals. It is best to do this with the guidance of a faculty member or adviser. If you do not have such a relationship established, contact the MI Program Director, Lilia Pavlovsky.

Contact: Lilia Pavlovsky or your adviser.